Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Another Smorgusborg

More picture that I found that didn't make the first cut. Ok some of them have nothing to do with the cut. Some are new pictures and some I just forgot to put on the site.

For the past week I have shared my room with Noa and Iris. It has been a lot of fun to really get to know these two girls. Noa had the good idea to push two of the beds together to make a big one that we hang out in. It is very cozy and it makes the the room feel a lot bigger.

I love this picture it looks very fall (eventhough it is winter) and very 70s eventhough.....

Puppies!!!!! These are Kibbutznik dogs. They are so cute. They are always together and when they walk around their tails are high in the air. You can hardly see their eyes.

This is Eviva from Holland. I think she is so beautiful.

Stunning sunset in Druze village, Daliah.

Views from the bus.

In Tzfat with my mom, she loved this and told me to take a picture. It is kind of a strange juxtapostion of ancient building and modern internet cafe.

In Jerusalem at the Kotel soldiers come and visit all the time. It looks like these are younger cadets.

And this is Roie. Noa took this some time in the summer.

Aughhhhh the Israeli Army:
I went back to the draft office this morning, waited a very long time, got an eye exam and left. It is frustrating how slow things are moving.

1 comment:

Konchok Ngodup said...

wow that sunset is amazing...i cnat wait to see some awesome sunsets like that...thailand is better than china but still kind of eh

im reall liking actually being able to see your blog. too bad tomorrow it will be restricted again thanks china

as to my awesome phone its a sony ericsson 800 and 2mp. i always go with sony because theyre the best.

love ya sis, and ill be back day after tomorrow so call me anytime but soon bc ill probably be leaving shortly